
Chair and Voting Member, South County Fire Department

San Mateo County, CA

Bill served as the chairman of the South County Fire Department, which served Belmont and San Carlos, and San Francisco International Airport for San Mateo County Hazmat. In this capacity, he held responsibility for managing the complexities of operating a fire and hazmat service, including addressing budgeting and retirement plan concerns. Notably, he skillfully negotiated with the firefighters association to rectify a budget shortfall, demonstrating his adeptness in financial management and crisis resolution within the organization.

Founder and Voting Member, City of Belmont Audit Committee

Bill established the Belmont Audit Committee with City staff to ensure the transparent use of public funds and responsible allocation to reduce waste. The committee is tasked with reviewing capital expenditures amounting to $150 million. Thanks to this heightened level of public oversight, the S&P rated the City of Belmont with a AAA credit rating.

Chair and Voting Member, City of Belmont Green Advisory Committee (GAC)

Bill established the Green Advisory Committee (GAC) with the goal of bringing together the City of Belmont community to develop plans for the responsible use and disposal of resources in the future. The GAC also created a task force to bring the community together to discuss and implement best practices for sustainable resource usage.

Co-Chair and Voting Member, Energy & Water Strategy

San Mateo County, CA

Bill collaborated with former State Senator Jerry Hill on addressing the energy and water challenges in the Bay Area, notably focusing on the deficiencies in PG&E infrastructure. Together, they devised a comprehensive plan to upgrade the infrastructure, a proactive measure taken prior to the San Bruno incident and the California wildfires attributed to the failing PG&E infrastructure.

Jan 2009 | Resolution 09-45 expressing appreciation to William Dickenson - Utilities and Sustainability Task Force (USTF) - San Mateo County Board

Voting Member, San Francisco International Airport Roundtable

Bill served as a voting member of the San Francisco International Airport Roundtable. This voluntary group of elected officials convened regular meetings to address various issues such as noise abatement and operational concerns impacting communities in the Bay Area. The Roundtable's mission is to represent the citizens of San Francisco and San Mateo County in achieving noise mitigation through collaborative efforts among the aviation industry, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), SFO management, and local government authorities.

Voting Member, C/CAG

Bill served as a voting member of the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG). In this capacity, he played a crucial role in overseeing various initiatives including the Congestion Management Agency, Airport Land Use Plan, and Habitat Mitigation efforts. C/CAG serves as a collaborative platform for all 20 municipalities and the county, facilitating the development of cost-effective solutions for transportation, stormwater runoff, land use near airports, and climate protection. Additionally, C/CAG administers the Congestion Management Program, prepares the Countywide Transportation Plan, and partners with local jurisdictions and transportation agencies to develop transportation plans and studies of countywide and regional significance.

City of Belmont Planning Commissioner

Bill was appointed to the Planning Commission and took on the responsibility of overseeing a variety of initiatives and projects. These included the Wireless Facilities Ordinance, housing, major development projects, maps, the Climate Action Plan, Reach Codes, environmental sustainability, garbage and recycling, the 2035 General Plan, the Belmont Village Specific Plan, the Zoning Ordinance, the Transportation Demand Management Program (TDM), and signage and wayfinding. He played a crucial role in the development and implementation of these initiatives.

Chair, Permit Efficiency Task Force

Bill was an active member and advocate for the City of Belmont's Permit Efficiency Task Force, which aimed to enhance the efficiency of the planning and zoning process, building permits, and related activities. Across seven meetings, the task force formulated a series of recommendations categorized under Quality of Service, Fee Structure, Planning Review Process, and Other Recommendations. While many recommendations received unanimous agreement, others garnered only partial consensus. These recommendations were compiled into a comprehensive report and presented to the City Council for deliberation. Bill played a significant role in both the development and implementation of these recommendations. His contributions were instrumental in improving the efficiency of the permit process for the City of Belmont.

Neighborhood President

Elected by non-profit membership

Bill was elected by the neighborhood association membership to represent their voice in local government. He regularly attended City Council meetings, Planning Commission sessions, Finance Commission gatherings, and various other events to stay informed on behalf of his fellow neighbors.